Welcome Home
Family 1st Healthcare Associates is accepting new patients!
Family Nurse Practitioner Karen Clarke's specialty is diabetes management as well as Woman's Health Services.
Physician Assistant Robert Swedlund specializes in complex medical management as well as joint disorders.
Call 828-239-9400 to schedule today!

602 Morganton Blvd SW, Lenoir 28645
828-239-9400- Phone, 833-449-4125-Fax
What makes us special?

Utilizes Family Nurse Practitioners and Physician Assistants
Our providers not only diagnosis problems and treat those problems, but they also incorporate that treatment and that response into their family, their culture, their daily lives and their community.
Unaffiliated from hospital systems
Provides the ability to have high quality and personalized care in Western North Carolina without the pressure of industrialized medicine/conveyor belt approach.
Local Business
We are able to provide health care for our local community while giving back to our community through school sponsorships, sport sponsorships, scholarships, donations, resources, etc.
Meet Garth
Garth is a vital part of our staff providing tail wagging, comfort to our patients. A service trained lab/retriever mix who knows over 40 commands, Garth loves to show off.

Our Patient Reviews
Meet Bin. Bin is able to assist our patients with making and changing your appointments. Bin will also expedite your messages to the correct staff member to meet your needs.

"Not just high quality, but personalized"
Family 1st Healthcare Associates offers a wide range of services by highly trained and experienced medical professionals with extensive backgrounds and certifications. We believe in educating and advising our patients and their family members every step of the way. It’s an approach that keeps our patients happier and healthier. Please see some of the services we offer below, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.